General Queries

Unfortunately, we don’t offer free books to students.

Unfortunately, the cash on delivery option isn't available on our website. However, we do offer several online payment methods, including credit and debit cards (American Express included), net banking, and various e-wallets such as Freecharge, PhonePe, and Google Pay.

You can request specimen copies via our website.

Yes, we deliver orders to every corner of India. Shipping charges are based on the total value of your order and the delivery location.

We strive to process and ship every order within 24 hours. The exact shipping time may vary based on product availability and will be communicated during the ordering process. Generally, delivery across India takes about 4-6 days after your order is placed.

Review the items in your shopping cart. You can add or remove items by adjusting the quantity and clicking "Update." Once you have all the items you wish to purchase, you’re ready to proceed to the checkout.

To return an order, simply click "Return" on the My Orders page.

You will receive automatic notifications about your order status at your registered email address. Alternatively, you can email us at for any order inquiries. Our Customer Support team will respond within 24-48 hours.